
Water and Bubbles Galore

Lit Mag Shots,Second 5! 03/30/12

Shot 1: Three different kinds of flowers in a hand

Shot 2: Bare feet

Shot 3: A hand cupping water as it pours out

Shot 4: A window with light pouring in

Shot 5: Any body of water


Travels of Qtr 4 #2 03/23/12

Today I decided to sleep in! Alll this schoolwork is making me extremely tired !!


"Bubbles and Water Galore"

Beautiful bubbles effects | Art of Bubbles Photography
Bubble Examples 1!

Bubble examples 2!

Bubble Example 3!

Bubble Example 4!

Bubble Example 5!


Travels of 03/16/12 Qtr 4 #1!

Tanning Day! Well since I had the day off I decided to tan in the backyard! Great place to tan,  except the dog was outside and almost attacked me. YIKES!


Lit Mag Shots!

Shot 1: Birds in flight. This shot was a complete accident. My mom and I were driving in the neighborhood and as we were driving I noticed that the birds were annoying or stirred up and just starting flying around. For this shot I did enhance it by using the Contrast/Brightness Tool along with the Sharpen tool, to make sure you could see the birds wings in flight. 

Shot 2: The Black Converse shoe by a Flower. 
This shot was a challenging one but whit my creative juices I devised a plan to make it work, I obviously put my shoe in the flowers but luckily for me the flowers were all bent just the right way so the shot could look somewhat normal and not staged too much. I used the sharpen tool, contrast/brightness tool, and the Color Levels. I increase the red and green so that the flowers and leafs would really pop!

Shot 3: Porcelain doll sitting on a bookshelf. 
This shot I intended to be creepy looking like those horror films. I used the sharpen tool for this photo but unfortunately it's too pixalated to sharpen, but hey I tried. 

 Shot 4: Sunset
This shot is in the trees, but I enhanced this photo to make the farthest trees pop out aside from the dark trees which I think is a nice contrast from the shade.

Shot 5: Oak Tree
I LOVE this shot but unfortunately I can't flip it


My Best Portrait

This is my best portrait because I liked how the light was hitting Katie's face at an angle which created a dreamy kinda affect. I also photoshopped out the ashes from ash wednesday using the clone tool. Unfortunately I dislike how the light from the reflector is making Katie's face turn orange.