
Travels of Qtr 3 #9 03/9

Today I found this mysterious bottle in the corner of my habitat. Hmm. Jack Daniel's? Hmmmmm, what is that? and who drank it all, whatever it is?!

Travels of Qtr 3 #8 3/02

Hello there! Welllll today I decided to climb an "indoor tree". Pandas in general don't really climb things but I ate a little too much bamboo lately if you know what I mean. Anyway yeah climbing this tree, okay so I'm pretty sure I just burned a whole lot of bacaloires!  See you next weekend!


Travels of Qtr 3 #7 2/24

Today I found a Mac by Apple. Wooooowwww this looks cooool!

Travels of Qtr 3 #6 2/17

New Bracelet from California! Aren't the colors great? Yellow,Black and Red? ohh yess!

Travels of Qtr 3 #5 2/10

Lifting weights today to stay in shape! Good thing this weights 5 lbs! I'll be in shape in no time!



Okay so here are my ten portraits! If I were to change some things I would probably change the lighting on Annie's, Jessica's and Jenna's lighting. Jenna, Jess and Jordin all have the same angle and lighting outside so I would definitely change that. I would also change the lighting on Tati's last portrait because of the shadow on her face. By the way each portrait is next to it's lighting shot Except Jess, Jordin and Jenna because they all have the same angle and lighting. 


Final StopMotion!! 02/10!!!

Final Reflections!:

Overall I enjoyed making this video. I would however change two things about it. I would shoot another 100 shots at the end to extent the video, and with these shots I would make the reappearence of Annie and Jenny more prominent. The second thing I would change is in the beginning I would flicker the shots before invisibly to show that Annie and Jenny were disappearing. I loved the song we used Domino By Jessie J and I loved the part that we came up with when both girls shoes jumped off the end to make it seem like they physically(even though they were invisible) they were jumped off the end. I estimate that we used approxiamately 650 shoots for this movie. Please enjoy Shoe Tag!


So far we are 60 shots in and only 12 seconds long! Our game of tag is going fast and looking great! The only thing I would do differently is definitely change the angle of the shoes starting to move/ annie and jenny disappearing.